Urgent! Aging Out Children
Hello all!! Sorry for not posting so long ago, I've been doing many things and yesterday I thought about updating the blog. Today I will get to the point. There are many children whose time is running out, some of the most urgent ones will be posted bellow, please notice them!
At just a few months of aging out...
Down Syndrome. He has made significant progress since leaving the institution and be placed into a group home. The staff believes that as they continue to work with him, he will continue to improve. The agency team has sent a certified psychologist to spend time with Ryan and assess him in his new home. He feels like a leader and likes helping the other children. His gross motor skills are well developed, he shows some stereothypical movements. He enjoys dancing and prefers to participate in activities and play that involve a ball and interacting with children. He will need a family willing to provide a lot of structure, routine and constancy! ASAP! http://reecesrainbow.org/49063/ryan-6-14
Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, flail legs, Secondary Multisystemic Central Origin Distrophy, Delay of physical development. As I said before about Grayson, there's nothing wrote about him in his profile... But I have to say he sure has a lot of hidden potential which could only be taken out for a family who love him! He needs a family ASAP or he will be lost forever in an institution!! 💙 http://reecesrainbow.org/97029/grayson
Triventricular Internal Hydrocephalus, Evacuation of an hematoma, Posterior fossa arteriovenous malformations (AVM), Mild to moderate Mental Delay. Montgomery's physical development is normal for his age, but his psychomotor development is not. He understands and follows simple instructions. He mantains good eye contact and recognizes familiar people, His abstract thinking is delayed and he lacks of concentration, his memory is short-termed and has difficulties in reproducing words and concepts. Montgomery's emotional development does not correspond to his age and has a low degree of emotional intellect. No agression is observed. He prefers to play individually, but likes to play with others too, he seeks emotional warmth and makes physical contact with the others, taking somebody by the hand and hugging. He is very willing and likes creative activities, needs a family ASAP! http://reecesrainbow.org/118079/montgomery
Mild Mental Delay, Impaired articulation. Graham has impaired speech and uses limited and poor vocabulary. It is difficult for him to divide his attention and switch tasks and he is easily distracted and loses concentration easily. Graham likes to participate in group activities, and would like to be adopted by a family! Very Urgent! ASAP. http://reecesrainbow.org/116017/graham
Down Syndrome, Torticollis. This handsome boy, needs a family ASAP. There's nothing wrote about him in his profile... But Corey deserves a life with parents who love him, not hidden away like a lost boy to suffer the rest of his life. Please, share him ASAP. http://reecesrainbow.org/109936/corey
Congenital Microcephaly, Autism. Justine is fully mobile and active. As with all children living in these difficult conditions, this child's cognitive development has regressed significantly since she was younger. She sure has tremendous potential for improvement and deserves a life outside the orphanage. Ages out in June! Needs out ASAP. http://reecesrainbow.org/1704/justine112
Mental delays, Inborn Hydrocephaly, Cerebral Palsy, Anemia.
Down Syndrome, Possible ASD or sensony challenges. Fritz has blonde hair and hazel eyes. He is considered lower functionating, and really needs a family who is experienced with adopting older children. He is very responsive but needs a lot of self-help and guidance. He would probably do best in a family where he can get lots of attention from his parents and older typical silbings. He ages out in June! Wonderful program, outstanding agency partner. More photos and medical info avaiable. Ages out in June! Needs out ASAP! http://reecesrainbow.org/47762/fritz-l4
Down Syndrome. Emmalyn has been waiting a lot! She has a shy smile and is a friendly and happy young girl. She likes having her picture taken. She would fit in a prepared family. Ages out in May 2017, needs out ASAP! http://reecesrainbow.org/38656/emmalyn
![Resultado de imagen de tanner reece's rainbow](https://reecesrainbow.org/wp-content/uploads/Tanner-2014-259x300.jpg)
Down Syndrome, Hearing Impairment, Strabismus. Tanner has delays in all aspects of his development. It is thought he has some degree of hearing loss, but he is not complety deaf. He does respond to some basic commands and also to hand gestures. It's possible that many of his delays could be compensated for once his hearing issues are adressed. He is calm and usually smiling, he is not agressive and doesn't get irritated by the other children. He has a favourite book in each classroom, picks it up and manipulates with it. Tanner observes the other children while they work, he shows interest in pictures of animals. He works with desire in the classes of physical education. He's been listed for 6 years! He needs a family ASAP! http://reecesrainbow.org/1078/b657
And very bad news... The little guy Ambrose I have at the beginning of the blog, the one who I talked about one month ago and had a family committed, has sadly aged out before the family could take him. This news shook me as soon as I saw him in the "Aged Out" category... It is so sad that he had a family comming that could not take him home because of committing too late. Ambrose lost all chances to have the family every child deserves... That's why you need to commit fast when you're thinking about adopting an older child. In many cases you need to complete all the adoption process to free the child from aging out definitely.
![31209220253 Ambrose (1)](https://reecesrainbow.org/wp-content/uploads/31209220253-Ambrose-1-221x300.jpg)
Sweet Ambrose at the institution 💙💙
Every single child listed above will end up in the institution too in no family committ for them. It's very important to raise awarness and spread the word so that people realize how critical is the situation these children are living, and possible adoptive families to see them and complete the adoption process quickly.
Thank you all guys for reading, and don't forget to share, donate and love :)