miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

The Children of the Institutions

The Children of the Institutions

In Eastern Europe countries, millions of children who are born with some kind of disability are abandoned at birth. Due to the high rate of alcholism in many of these countries, several children are born with FAS (Fethal Alchol Syndrome) and many other associated issues, usually when they are sent to an orphanage, the social workers and the competent authorities prepare the adoption file of the children so they can be adopted as soon as possible. But in so many cases, that adoption doesn't come... That's why there are many foundations and adoption agencies specialized in special needs children to foment their adoption.

The Institutions

While these special needs children are toodlers they spent their days in orphanages, where they are in most of the cases cared for, and receiving treatment, therapy and help for their special needs... but when they become a little older and the moment comes, and there isn't any family commited to adopt them, they are no longer able to stay in the orphanages, for different situations like they need their space for new children who arrive, these children are transferred to mental institutions, where there is almost impossible to take them out of there.
They have all kind of dissabitities and there isn't necessary to be serious, many children who are transferred haven't got a mental dissability but a physical one. These children have potential, and possibly they would thrive in a family, but due to spent all their lives in orphanages without stimulation, their needs are affected and show big delays in development.
The institutions where they are transferred are litterally a life sentence for these children. They spend all day in a crib, tied to a bed, they aren't well nourished, and the most of them have wounds and scars in the skin due to self-harm. Many of them do not survive, and they are slowly dying...

We can do something about it!
If you can't adopt, if you can't donate, you can share!
There are tens of thousands profiles of children who are at risk of being transferred, and already transferred who need to be seen!

There are many children who were living in this conditions and were adopted, and now they are living with their families, thriving and making great progress!
We need to show the world this horrible truth about forgotten children and let people know about it.

There is so shocking images about the before and after of a sweet boy who was transferred to a mental insitution...

Sweet Kyle passed away shortly after this picture was taken.

These are not pictures, they are REAL children who are not seen.

Please let's do something to help these children to be adopted and don't let they end up like sweet Kyle...

Share their profiles, donate or raise awarness among people to help these orphans to have a chance in their lifes like everyone deserves.

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